My vote is for Rodrigo Duterte, but there is no assurance if he would win in presidential election. Despite the fact that he us very popular nowadays, we can't deny that he has a lot of bashers also. In the end, the decision is in the hands of the majority of the voters. By the way, here are my suggestion, how the next president could improve the lives of the poor and how to fight social injustice.
1. The next president should fight poverty through giving an equal opportunity to our fellowmen. Implementing 4PS is just a temporary solution to the problem. It could not totally help them to out from poverty. What they need is livelihood. So, the next president should provide a lot of jobs to lessen the unemployment rate. He/She sould give a mandatory command to the DOLE and to the local government that they need to work hard to persuade investors to expand their business. Of course, the government should abolish the red tape to lessen the burden of those groups or individuals who wants to build a business.
2. The next president should also abolish the contractualization law. This is one of the reasons why we have a high unemployment rates. If you're ordinary worker, after five to six months you need to find a new job again. So, it is hard to survive in everyday, if your job is just a contractual basis. It is about time to amend this law to save the million Filipino people from hunger and depression. Not only that, the next president should also give attention to the system that once you're going older, the company will not hire you. The company should base their criteria not with the age, but to the experience of an applicant.
3. I believed that persuading foreign investors is not the only answer in terms of creating jobs. Of course, the government should also support our local businessmen. We have many dying industry here like the garment industry in Taytay or the shoe industry in Marikina. The president should help them to revive their business. The government should make a strong campaign against smuggling goods. So, the president needs to clean the Bureau of Costums which is known as the most corrupt from our government offices!
4. The next president should also deduct our taxes. According to the records, we are one of the countries around the globe that paying high taxes. It is okay if we know that our taxes gives us a better result. The worst is it only goes to the pockets of the corrupt government officials. If the next president could deduct our taxes, we will save a lot of money. Yes, we will not become rich from this; but at least, it will be a big help to our family. The workers would be inspired to work if they know that the government is doing something to lessen their burden.
5. In the issue of social injustice, the president needs to discipline within their ranks. We knew that there are many politicians, military and policemen who are using their power to abuse people. If the president has a strong political will, he will not let those people to oppress the rights of their fellow human beings. To do this, of course, the next president should make himself or herself as good example. If ever there is a victim of social injustice in this country; he/she not tolerate the usurpers or the criminals. Justice should be given to the family of the victims. So, we need a leader who is not afraid to anyone to stop the social injustice in our country.
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