Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Top 5 Contributions of Rodrigo Duterte in Davao City

        The national election is coming nearly; we will choose again our leaders. This is not just an ordinary election because we need to vote a Philippine president. So, we need to be wise from our decision. Digong is my choice because he has a gut to become our leader. His record proves that he is a good leader. Here is my list why I am in favor with Digong.

1. Digong made a radical change in Davao through lessening its crime rate. He planted fear in the mind of the criminal that's why the bad elements are behaving because they can't do their illegal activities there. Davao was categorized as one of the most peaceful cities, not only in the Philippines, but in the entire world.

2. Of course, there is no drug den in Davao City which is contradicting to the claim of the opponents of Digong. They said that drug is still rampant in this city, but we knew that is just an accusation. They have no evidence to prove that. The mayor is really angry with drug lords and pushers. So, why he would let them to operate in his beloved city? Davao became very peaceful because of his advocacy, to fight illegal drugs.

3. Digong is known for being brave and tactless every time when he open his mouth. His critics portrayed his as a barbaric and ruthless. But in reality, Digong has also a soft heart and he really loves peace. As a matter of fact, he is a great negotiator. He knew how to deal the conflict with the Muslim extremist and even with the National People's Army. It doesn't mean that he also believe with their principles. As a Filipino people, he believes that we don't need to fight with each other. There is always a room for peace if we will attain to get it. See, there is no arm conflict in Davao because Digong knows how to deal with the enemy of the government.

4. Because of Digong, the Davao City became one of the most progressive town in the country. He can't do this if he is not a good leader. Digong fixed first the problem about peace in order. Before he become a mayor, Davao is a very chaotic place and the poverty rate was also high. But through his initiative and genuine concern, he made a lot of change for the benefits of his constituents.

5. Digong is not a corrupt politician. He made himself as an example that the leader can live in  a simple life. Unlike to other politicians they are living in wealth while their constituents are hungry and lack of material things. Check the lifestyle of Digong, he is very simple. His house is not elegant as what other people thinks. The cellphone that he is using is not a Smart phone. It looks like a Nokia 3210! He has not not been involved in any anomalies.

The supporters of Digong believes that if ever he become a president of our country, he will never be changed. We need a leader like him with a strong conviction to fight against criminals and illegal drugs. If he did it in Davao, why he can't make it in the whole country?

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