Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Unpaid Debt of BCDA to CJHDevCo

                If you think that the trouble in Camp John Hay is really over. Well, you’re wrong because the dispute between the Bases ConservationDevelopment Authority (BCDA) and Camp John Hay Development Corp. (CJHDevCo) is still continuing. This is despite the fact that the Philippine Dispute Resolution Center, Inc. (PDRCI) was already issued their decision to settle their problem in Camp John Hay. The court granted the request of BCDA to reclaim the camp; provided, they should pay first 1.4 billion pesos to the CJHDevCo before they leave the place. But in the other side, the court rejected the claimed of the agency that the developer owed them an amount of 3.3 billion pesos back rental.

                Casanova is not contented although he will get what he wants. Well, it is very obvious that he is not totally happy with the court’s decision because he has an instant huge debt. It is okay, Sir, that’s the prize of your wrong actions. So, you should pay it! Please, don’t involve the third party from your dispute with the developer. You’re an attorney by profession and you knew what’s written in our law, don’t twist. Our constitution is protecting the rights of the third party. Under mutual restitution, the government will honor the private individuals if they acquired properties in good faith. It is possible that Casanova wants the third party to file a case against the developer if ever they evict them also. He is using them as a pawn to harass the CJHDevCo. Of course, the third party that is just a part of dirty tactic of Casanova to control them all.

                It seems that Casanova has no plan to follow the order of PDRCI because there he never says any due date when they will pay their debt. If he is really willing to pay the developer, it is very easy for them to do that. For sure, their agency has a lot of funds, but Casanova doesn’t want to release it because he knew that the BCDA will be bankrupted. If that would happen, he should only be blamed for that. But in the other hand; this is very good.  It will pave the way for the closure of BCDA since they are just disrupting the progress or development in Baguio City.

                If I were P-Noy I will kick out Casanova for being an ineffective leader. This country doesn’t need like him who doesn’t care about the real situation of the people. If he has genuine concern for the people, he will not reclaim the Camp John Hay. In the first place, he doesn’t have a concrete plan after he get it from the developer. What’s his plan to the employees inside the camp? Then, the shares of the local government of Baguio City will be gone in an instant. P-Noy should also realize that Casanova is not respecting the Public-Private Partnership Program of the government. The aim of PPP is get more investors to support the government’s projects. But because of Casanova’s disputes with the investors, it is possible that they can’t get the trust of the investors. They will afraid to encounter a government official like Casanova who is one of a kind in terms of harassing people!